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A 5-Minute Screening Test Could Stop Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer Symtoms in Women - Colon cancer, also commonly referred to as colorectal or bowel cancer occurs in the colon, an area starting from the large intestine to the rectum (end of the colon). There are virtually no obvious warning signs of bowel cancer in its early stages. Around nine in ten cases of colon cancer occur in people aged 55 and above.

According to a study that spanned eleven years and involved more than 170,000 participants, UK researchers found that men and women aged between fifty-five and sixty-four who had undergone a screening with a single flexible sigmoidscopy, had their risk of colon cancer reduced, compared to those who did not receive the same screening. To date, no other colon cancer screening has shown such results.

What is The Flex-Scope Test and How Does it Work?

The screening test is called the Flexi-Scope test, and it takes about five minutes to complete. Though short, taking this could essentially reduce the occurrence of this disease by a third and the number of people dying from colon cancer.

It is a painless procedure that uses a flexible plastic or metal tube (sigmoidoscopy) to insert into the rectum to examine the lower part of the colon, known as the sigmoid. The tube has a light source and a tiny optic camera at the end to detect any polyp (or fleshy growth) or inflamed tissue found along the bowel wall.

The main objective of this screening is to find polyps early so that they can be removed as soon as possible before they get the chance to become cancerous. Polyps can remain harmless but because colon cancer can begin from a polyp so speedy removal is deemed as a preventive measure.

At present, the standard method for screening colon cancer involves the faecal blood test which looks for traces of blood in stools that naked to the eye. This blood test is still very much essential to detect areas of the colon where the Flexi-Scope is unable to reach.

Difference Between Sigmoidoscopy and Colonscopy

The Flexi-Scope does sound very similar to a colonscopy since both involves inserting a tube to view the inner lining. However the main difference lies with the scope of the view. A colonoscopy lets the doctor see the entire colon while a sigmoidoscopy focuses the view specifically on the sigmoid colon or the lower third of the colon. A sigmoidoscopy takes less time to complete and requires less preparation as compared to a colonscopy.

To learn more about cancer preventive strategies, head over to the health journal Tips Of All Sorts. To jumpstart on a full dietary and healthy lifestyle plan, check out the Total Health Breakthrough today.

Tips Of All Sorts is a health reporter's journal with notes on modern day issues that matter to everyday living.

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